Jose Cuervo – Who’s Making Margs?

Jose Cuervo Who’s Making Margs A campaign for Jose Cuervo called ‘Who’s Making Margs’ featured a different celebrity each week, beaming in live from their own homes, and inviting their fan base to get cozy, get to know each other, and – crucially – make some amazing margaritas. But this was very different from the…

Jose Cuervo

Who's Making Margs

Mike Woods Director
Mekanism Agency

A campaign for Jose Cuervo called ‘Who’s Making Margs’ featured a different celebrity each week, beaming in live from their own homes, and inviting their fan base to get cozy, get to know each other, and – crucially – make some amazing margaritas.

Illana Glazer


But this was very different from the usual celebrity-led live stream. Mike Woods worked with Mekanism to create an entire community around the shows.

Using the Discord platform, we made the live shows fully interactive. Utilizing multiple video feeds, we could bring the fans to the star, and have an intimate-feeling yet far-reaching party each week. We created live games with each celebrity that relied upon the viewers tuning into Discord — and getting involved and prepped in advance of the show.

We fostered a genuine and realtime community spirit that infected every minute of our live shows.

For four hours, every Thursday night, we created a truly groundbreaking digital party, bringing the fans and celebrity closer to each other than any previous livestream project has been able to.

Finally, we presented the final stream to be watched by the world on YouTube.

Intimate, groundbreaking, authentic and REAL, this is a brave new step in realtime marketing.