
When this page is added it will display all Projects.

CetaphilWe’re All A Lil Sensitive ft. Lil Wayne

Michael Marantz

CitiForces Collide


Child Mind InstituteHedgehog Land

Bianca Giaever

Uber EatsThe Super Caesar Salad Dome

Josh Nussbaum

Whitney Museum of American ArtEchoes of Ailey

Ezra Hurwitz

White ClawHome For a Claw

Josh Nussbaum

Katz’s DeliTwins

Nicolas Heller aka NewYorkNico

AT&TA Voice Can Change Everything

Matt Ogens

Ally BankBanksgiving

Bianca Giaever

Meta QuestHoopbus

Mike Woods

StarbucksGoing For Coffee

Josh Nussbaum

Rice-A-RoniIntroducing Mac-A-Roni

Josh Nussbaum

EcolabEvery Drop Counts

Annie Saunders

LobosAgent 1707

Marta Cunningham

GoogleThe Made by Google After Party

WalmartSchool Style Decoded

Ezra Hurwitz

Extreme Weather SurvivorsDanger Season

CoinbaseMr. Miggles

KFCSaucy Nuggets Dispensary

Mike Woods

InfinitiQX80 Reveal


SNYPicture Day

Nicolas Heller aka NewYorkNico


CetaphilGame Time Glow

NikeYou Got This

Danielle Levitt

NYC BalletConcerto for Two

Ezra Hurwitz

StockXThis is Love

Thuan Tran

The HolidAI

Rainforest AlliancePessimism Is Out

Max Joseph

New York KnicksWelcome to Madison Square Garden

Nicolas Heller aka NewYorkNico

BaileysHoliday 2023

Ezra Hurwitz

Tiger BeerUnleash Your Inner Tiger

Fausto Becatti

SpherePostcard From Earth

Coca-ColaBillboard to Table

Josh Nussbaum

NissanBeing Young

Matt Ogens

McDonald’s x MastercardSundae Swirl

Ezra Hurwitz

EssentiaStop for Nothing

Fausto Becatti

Burger KingRuPaul’s Drag Race

Ezra Hurwitz


MSG X New York KnicksNew York Forever

Nicolas Heller aka NewYorkNico

StarbucksA Little Kindness

Michael Marantz

AsahiSuper Dry

Fausto Becatti

AmazonPrime Night

HuluCheck In To Your Obsessions

Child Mind InstituteHealthy Minds, Thriving Kids

Bianca Giaever

SchmidtLiving Spaces

Ezra Hurwitz

CadillacCELESTIQ Reveal

Mike Woods

Shake ShackFor What It’s Worth

Nicolas Heller aka NewYorkNico

InstaxGo Beyond The Frame

Danielle Levitt

Cadillac CELESTIQArt of You

Mike Woods

PerionA Guide to Protecting Your Privacy on the Internet

Max Joseph

Coca-ColaWe Are Mello

Saks Off 5thPride 2022

Ezra Hurwitz

March For Our LivesThoughts & Prayers

TillamookIt’s A Cheddarbration

Ezra Hurwitz

Whitney Houston x Clean BanditHow Will I Know

Ezra Hurwitz

Zurich BankWhat Can Go Right

Mike Woods

Miller LiteDefinitely, Probably a Big Game Ad

COX CommunicationsBand Together

Matt Ogens

Call of Duty: VanguardHappy Hunting

AlbertsonsPerfecting The Art of Fresh

Ezra Hurwitz

Call of Duty VanguardVanguards of Photography

Matt Ogens

Stella ArtoisHepburn

Ezra Hurwitz

Google X Tribeca Film FestivalGoing Back To What You Love

Nicolas Heller aka NewYorkNico

Miller LiteCantenna

Mike Woods

Fireball WhiskeyDragon’s Throne

Mike Woods

AthletaPower of She: Simone Biles

Danielle Levitt

EOSObligation Celebration

Danielle Levitt

National Women’s History MuseumGlass Breaker

Mike Woods

HeinekenThe Bestie Gift Ever


Danielle Levitt

Mike Woods

Jose CuervoWho’s Making Margs?

Mike Woods


Danielle Levitt

NAACP AtlantaInvisible Hate

Mike Woods

Cox CommunicationsOne Call a Day

WaleSue Me

Kerby Jean-Raymond

Advent HealthHearts in Motion

Mike Woods

Michael Marantz


WalmartUnited Towns

Michael Marantz

MailchimpLifecycle Of A Business

Bianca Giaever

Ally Bank + MONOPOLYGrow Your Fortune

Mike Woods

Caroline PolachekSo Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings

Caroline Polacheck

Caroline PolachekOcean of Tears

Caroline Polacheck

Lilla VargenWhy Wait

TinderSwipe Night

Mike Woods

Baskin RobbinsScoops Ahoy & Scoop Snoop

Mike Woods


Pyer MossSeven Mothers

HondaText Talk

Josh Nussbaum

WalgreensBattle Cry

Bridget & Krudy

GrimesFlesh Without Blood

HaimRight Now

Paul Thomas Anderson

Beats & AbirGirls

TruthKnow the Truth

Mike Woods

United Nations#NotATarget

Mike Woods

IntelPride Above All

IntelExperience the Moment

Mike Woods

#WarGamesMGM Studios & EKO

jetBlueFlip The Forecast

Soap & GloryMore Than Lips

Bianca Giaever

A still image from On My Way by Yung Jake, an official selection of the New Frontier VR Experiences program at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. Courtesy of Sundance Institute | photo by Andrew Schwartz. All photos are copyrighted and may be used by press only for the purpose of news or editorial coverage of Sundance Institute programs. Photos must be accompanied by a credit to the photographer and/or ‘Courtesy of Sundance Institute.’ Unauthorized use, alteration, reproduction or sale of logos and/or photos is strictly prohibited.

Yung JakeOn My Way

Yung Jake


Mike Woods

National Safety CouncilPrescribed to Death

Hyphen Labs

Mike Woods

Spotify¡The Car!

Bridget & Krudy

DixieRaising the BBQ

HeinekenFloating An Idea: The + POOL Story

Bianca Giaever

Google TranslateMaher’s Story

Bianca Giaever

eBayFill Your Cart With Color

Bridget & Krudy

RadioheadThe Numbers

Paul Thomas Anderson

The New YorkerSara Berman’s Closet

Bianca Giaever

Discover Los Angeles#EveryoneIsWelcome

Red Bull Music Academy12 Years of DFA: Too Old to be New, Too New to be Classic

Max Joseph

Rag & BoneHair

John Turturro

NBA & OculusThe Finals in VR

Google Translate#EveryoneSpeaksFood



Paul Thomas Anderson


Yung Jake

Inside ImpactEast Africa VR

SonosMusic Makes it Home

Josh Nussbaum

Cool HuntingCool Hunting Video

FeatureStand Clear of The Closing Doors

Yung LenoxLive Fast, Draw Yung

This American LifeVideos 4 U: Tattoo

Bianca Giaever

This American LifeVideos 4 U: I Love You

Bianca Giaever

Dos EquisMasquerade

Climate Reality Project24 Hours of Reality

TEDBehind the TED Talk

HeinekenCarol Karaoke

Studio Science: Four Tet On His Live Set

RBMA New York CityRed Bull Music Academy


Bianca Giaever

StarbucksMeet Me At Starbucks

Josh Nussbaum